Church Capital Campaign Fundraising


Dr. E.M. Clark shares his classic and timeless fundraising programs that raised millions of dollars for hundreds of churches.

How To Be Happy Giving Your Money Away

by Dr. E.M. Clark
Now available for download as an Audiobook or eBook.
If you’re goal is to raise tens of thousands of dollars with an organized plan, then we’re here to help. Our Audiobook, eBook, and downloadable files present the legendary work of church fundraising leader Dr. E.M. Clark.

On this website you’ll read the testimonials of church leaders who worked with Dr. Clark and raised millions of dollars using his guidance and his books. His advice is clear, understandable, effective, and based on his religious faith.

Dr. E.M. Clark

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“When I read this book, which outlines procedures, presents personal testimonies, and inspires faith, I knew this was the direction God was leading us to proceed.”

“I purchased copies for our board and staff to read. The board members were so inspired by this book that we ordered 1,500 more to give to the families of our congregation.”

“The reaction to the book by the congregation was amazing. Person after person called the office and wanted to know how soon they could start giving. We raised over $3,000,000 in one-year pledges. In addition, our offerings have grown considerably.”

George W. Westlake
Former Senior Pastor
Sheffield Family Life Center

Reviews By Current And Past National Church Leaders

Thomas E. Trask
Former General Superintendent
of The Assemblies of God
where he oversaw more than $11 billion
generated by 12,298 domestic churches.

Dr. Clark has been very careful to outline proven steps and the ways that will cause resources to be available to meet the needs for the expansion of the kingdom of God.”

Dr. Richard D. Dobbins
Christian Psychologist
EMERGE Ministries, Inc.

After reading this book, you will never again view fundraising as a burdensome task. Once in a lifetime, you may meet someone who can communicate his expertise in a special area so effectively as to transfer some of those skills to you.”

Dr. Robert H. Spence
Former President
Evangel University

This book, with its testimonies of God’s faithfulness and summary of biblical principles will bless the people of God anywhere, anytime, and in any culture.”

George W. Westlake
Former Senior Pastor
Sheffield Family Life Center

While seeking God direction to take for the capital campaign, we received a copy of E.M. Clark’s book How to Be Happy Giving Your Money Away. When I read this book, which outlines procedures, presents personal testimonies, and inspires faith, I knew this was the direction God was leading us to proceed.”

So, I purchased copies for our board and staff to read. The board members were so inspired by this book that we ordered 1,500 more to give to the families of our congregation.”

The reaction to the book by the congregation was amazing. Person after person called the office and wanted to know how soon they could start giving. We raised over $3,000,000 in one-year pledges. In addition, our offerings have grown considerably.”

M. Wayne Benson
Board Chair and President
Emerge Ministries

Dr. Clark wrote with a pen tempered by his experience as a church leader for over six decades. Known among his peers as one who has a contagious kind of faith, Dr. Clark was recognized as a leading voice in church development with a specialty in the ‘how’ of financial stewardship.”

This book is the result of his years of experience and brings a resolve to the financial needs of the church with his practical, but effective, understanding of the cause and result process.”

Dr. Charles Cookman
Former District Superintendent
North Carolina District
Assemblies of God with 465
ministers under his supervision.

“This is not a “get-rich-quick” scheme–quite the contrary. Dr. Clark takes the revealed Word of the Lord and clothes it in the nuts and bolts of life.”

 “This book is the result of his years of experience and brings a resolve to the financial needs of the church with his practical, but effective, understanding of the cause and result process.”

G. Raymond Carlson
Former General Superintendent
The Assemblies of God

John Lindell, Senior Pastor
James River Assembly of God
Springfield, Missouri,
His church now has an average weekly attendance of 11,000, making it one

of the largest churches in Missouri.
God has gifted E.M. Clark in the area of fundraising. Out of the wealth of his experience, he shares challenging insights that will helpful to all who read this book.

The writer of Proverbs counseled, Get wisdom!

In this eBook and audiobook, Dr. E. M. Clark shares timeless wisdom on faith and fundraising. From firsthand experience, I know that it is wisdom that works whether your church has a congregation of 80 or 800. On three separate occasions, Dr. Clark has used these biblical principles to help us experience miracles and accomplish our goals as a church.

We first saw these principles put to work when we needed to purchase ground for our young congregation. While the purchase price of $37,000 was very reasonable, our small congregation did not have the money for that kind of purchase. Through Dr. Clark’s willingness to set an example in his giving and by encouraging others to do the same, the necessary funds were raised within two months.” In fact, we were able to purchase the land debt free.

Shortly afterward, our congregation, which was meeting in leased office space, decided to build a permanent building. We called on Dr. Clark to help us direct and plan our fundraising effort. That weekend was truly one of the outstanding weekends in the history of our church. At the close of the service, as the pledges were totaled, the pledged amount grew higher and higher.

As the pledges came in, the people were applauding and cheering. Our congregation of 150 people raised $120,000 in one-year commitments! I must add that until that time, I had never been a part of a fundraiser where people were so excited and happy about giving their money.

Within two years, our church again needed to raise funds for a new building and asked Dr. Clark to help us with the project. Privately our goal was to raise $400,000. With just one month of preparation and by following Dr. Clark’s instruction, we were able to raise an amount that exceeded our annual tithes and offerings.

On that weekend in January 1994, Dr. Clark helped our congregation raise – not $400,000 – but almost $700,000 in one-year commitments!

Following this last capital fund weekend, it has been such a delight to see God working financial miracles in the lives of those who stepped out in faith. The result has been twofold: there is an excitement that pervades our services; and within the first five weeks, we have seen over $107,000 given toward the building.

This book could change your ministry. The principles we have learned from Dr. Clark have not only helped our church raise money to purchase land and construct the building, but they have resulted in a dramatic increase in our regular giving.

Proverbs 11:24 says, One man gives freely, yet gains even more . . . (NIV). As you read this book you will see how that can be true in your life and in your church. If you apply these principles, you will never be the same.”

Dr. Richard D. Dobbins
Founder, Emerge Ministries
Akron, Ohio

After reading this book, you will never again view fundraising as a burdensome task. Once in a lifetime, you may meet someone who can communicate his expertise in a special area so effectively as to transfer some of those skills to you.

Such encounters are invaluable in augmenting one’s adequacy for the ministry. Dr. E. M. Clark is such a person. His understanding of the theology of giving and the practical approach he takes to it have revolutionized my thinking in this regard.

He helped me understand that a vision remains an unfulfilled dream unless God helps you raise the money necessary to bring it into reality.

In 1982, we desperately needed facilities of our own. Emerge Ministries had expanded and spilled over into one office suite after another in the leased facilities that housed us. Calling upon Dr. Clark, who was a member of our Board of Directors, in a moment like this was a real turning point in my life and in the ministry of Emerge.

Under Dr. Clark’s guidance and direction, we organized the major capital fund campaign that provided our present facilities. In one night, we saw the Lord provide over $700,000 to make our vision a dream come true.

Often as I walk through the facility, I think of this man and the unique skills God has helped him develop in the area of fundraising and capital campaigns. I was delighted when given the opportunity to recommend this book to ministers and board members.

After reading this book, you will never view fundraising as a burdensome task. You will see it as giving people an opportunity to be blessed for their generosity as God leads them to make His kingdom on earth a reality.

M. Wayne Benson
President, Emerge Ministries
Akron, Ohio

In 1994 alone E.M. Clark helped raise more than $1,000,000. As pastor, head of a national Christian radio broadcast, district superintendent, and college president, Dr. Clark presided over the raising of millions of dollars to build churches, schools, and carry on a variety of Christian ministries.

Dr. Clark writes with a pen tempered by his experience as a church leader for over six decades. In the 1930s, he began his ministry as an evangelist and church planter then continued as a pastor and leader in church development during the 1940s.

Communication became the focus of his attention in the 1950s. As head of the Radio Department for the Assemblies of God, he was instrumental in establishing a national voice for the denomination.

Under his leadership, Revival Time developed into an ABC syndicated network program and became undergirded with a financially strong support base. As a District Superintendent in Illinois and also as an Executive Presbyter of the Assemblies of God in the 1960s, Dr. Clark became recognized as a church executive and administrator.

In the 1970s, he distinguished himself as President of North Central Bible College in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with an unprecedented decade of growth and development for the college.

After retiring from this position, his influence was felt in the 1980s as a stewardship consultant for churches large and small. Known among his peers as one who has a contagious kind of faith, Dr. Clark is recognized as a leading voice in church development with a specialty in the how of financial stewardship.

This book is the result of his years of experience and brings a resolve to the financial needs of the church with his practical, but effective, understanding of the cause and result process. As you read this book, I am confident that you will be profoundly influenced by his positive testimony of giving.

Dr. Clark has written this book as if he were talking personally with you. By reading these pages, you will be listening to his voice of experience. You, too, will come to appreciate him as a sage in our time. Ingest the information from these pages, and you will be aptly equipped to do the work of church administration and finance.


by E.M. Clark

Now available in audio for the first time, Dr. E.M. Clark’s book, How to Be Happy Giving Your Money Away, as read by his daughter, Elaine Clark-Johnson, can be downloaded. It is our hope that you will be strengthened and be blessed by the principles and experience Dr. Clark has shared in this book — How to Be Happy Giving Your Money Away.

As pastor, head of a national Christian radio broadcast, district superintendent and college president, Dr. E.M. Clark presided over the raising of millions of dollars to build churches, schools, and carry on a variety of Christian ministries. How to Be Happy Giving Your Money Away sets forth the principles that guided him in his special ministry of fundraising that empowered organizations to raise funds necessary to the realization of their goals.

Dr. E. M. Clark spent a lifetime of ministry in the Assemblies of God. He served as a church pastor, director of Revivaltime (the international radio ministry of the Assemblies of God), district superintendent of the Illinois District, and president of North Central Bible College. He has authored four books.