Dr. E.M. Clark with his daughter, Elaine Clark Johnson

This Is A Team Effort

Our Mission

As children of EM and Estella Clark, my brothers and I
had front-row seats, observing our parents as they led
remarkable lives of faith. We saw our dad in his early
days as a young pastor refuse a much-needed salary
increase from his church board, explaining that all extra
funds needed to go toward the construction of their
new church. And then we saw Dad pick up a hammer
and join the builders on the new church site.

My brothers and I also witnessed our parents’
faithfulness as they recognized God’s calling to move
and pastor a smaller church with a lower salary. Years
later, when Dad was called to be President of North
Central Bible College, we watched as he began to deal
with the serious financial condition of the

Looking to the area churches for financial help
for the college, he saw how much these congregations
themselves needed financial assistance. Consequently,
in addition to his responsibilities at North Central, he
began to answer the calls to consult with pastors to
raise funds for their churches.

In all this, our parents learned profound lessons in the
giving of their personal resources. As their children,
we’ve had these lessons ingrained in our hearts as well,
allowing us to truly enjoy the benefits, wonder and
excitement of giving.

My dad, Dr. EM Clark, wrote How to Be Happy Giving
Your Money Away to teach others the faith-led
fundraising lessons he learned over the years. As Dad
said, “God always has the money for what he wants

I have taken his book, narrated it, and created a 4 1/2
Hour Audiobook that you can download or purchase in
a four CD album. You may also purchase the program for
reading on your computer, iPad or phone. The eBook
includes a 194-page print ready pdf. Both products are
also available on USB flash drives.

Churches may purchase subscriptions to allow all members
of their congregations to download the Audiobook and eBook
from a personalized website page. The USB flash drives are
also available with quantity discounts.

You’ll be surprised at how easy Dad’s
fundraising principles are. But you don’t have to take
my word for it read the testimonies of others who have
used my father’s teachings to build and grown their
churches and ministries.

The mission of my family is to pass on what
our father shared with so many others during
his entire pastoral life: how to take the fear
out of giving so that ministries flourish and
people are blessed.

My brothers and I know that you, too, will experience
these same rich blessings as you support the ministries
that touch your heart!

~ Elaine Johnson